Suits Repairs
We can repair all makes of Drysuits, Wetsuits and Surface Suits here at Dive Manchester.
If any request and/or questions, please contact Dive Manchester.
Repair work normally takes 5 - 10 days.
Wetsuits Repair
Wrist Seals | £45 |
Ankle Seals | £45 |
Rip Repair | From £25 |
Drysuits Repair
Neck Seal - Latex, Standard | £55 | |
Neck Seal - Latex, Heavy Duty | £60 | |
Neck Seal - Neoprene | £85 | |
Neck Seal - Neoprene Size Trim | £35 | |
Clean up Tapes (depending on the condition) | £20 | |
Neck Retape | £20 | |
Wrist Seal - Standard, Single | £45 | |
Wrist Seal - Standard, Pair | £55 | |
Wrist Seal - Heavy Duty, Single | £55 | |
Wrist Seal - Heavy Duty, Pair | £65 | |
Wrist Seal - Neoprene, Single | ---- | |
Wrist Seal - Neoprene, Pair | ---- | |
Wrist Seal Retape | £20 | |
Boots - Single | ---- | |
Boots - Pair | £150/£162/£179 | |
Zip - Standard | £240 | |
Zip - Heavy Duty | £260 | |
Hole Repairs (patch) | £20/ea | |
Pressure Test | £25 | |
Change Boots to Neoprene Socks | £155 | |