Air/Gas Fills

Cylinders must be valid for testing in order to have air/gas fill service.


Air / 230 BAR

1 - 3 Litre £4.00
5 - 15 Litre £5.50  (2 FREE fills when you have 10 Air Fill Points)
Twin 10/12 £9.50


Air / 300 BAR

3 - 5 Litre £7.00
7 - 15 Litre £8.50
Twin 10/12     £14.50



Nitrox  -- Please be ready with your Nitrox certification cards.

  3 Litre 5 Litre 7-12 Litre 15 Litre Twin 7/10/12
28% £7.00
50% £8.5
£14/19/23 £29
£18/23/27 £36
80% £12 £17 £25/30/35 £44
100% £15 £20 £30/35/42 £55


Trimix  -- Please be ready with your Trimix certification cards. 


 3 Litre 5 Litre 7 Litre 10-12 Litre 15 Litre Twin 10/12
21/20    £10.00 £16.00 £17.00 £25.00 £29.00 £50.00
21/35 £10.00 £16.00 £37.00 £39.00 £50.00 £80.00
18/40 £12.00 £15.00 £38.00 £40.00 £45.00 £85.00
15/45 £13.50 £28.00 £42.00 £55.00 £60.00 £100.00
14/50 £15.00 £30.00 £50.00 £60.00 £65.00 £115.00
12/60 £20.00 £45.00 £55.00 £85.00 £90.00 £150.00
10/70 £21.00 £47.00 £65.00 £90.00 £98.00 £165.00